Have you always wanted to get started in real estate investment, but weren’t really sure how? There are many simple ways to get your foot in the door. In our latest post, we will discuss easy ways to get started in real estate investment in Knoxville.
More millions are created by real estate than by any other means. Savvy investors, with diversified portfolios, often have real estate at the heart of their investments. Real estate is solid, it is tangible and it can be improved upon. What happens to a property you own is up to you. You have more of an influence on your returns when you are comparing to investments in the stock market. If you want to begin your journey into real estate investment, we want to help you with some easy ways to get started!
Join A Club
As a new investor of Knoxville real estate, you will want to talk to as many people as possible. Joining investment clubs can be a great networking vehicle and can allow you to meet all kinds of people in your industry. You will be able to meet like-minded people whom you can bounce ideas off of. Forming strong relationships is vital in real estate investment. Aside from clubs, talk to everyone you know about your interest in investing. Word of mouth is the start to many of the best real estate deals. You never know who is selling!
Find A Partner
Working with a partner will help you open many doors you couldn’t have on your own. Not only will there be more capital to play with, but you will have more life experience, more support and someone to help with it all if things get tough. The best partnerships are created out of balance. Try to find a partner who is strong in the areas that you are weak. Do you have trouble cold calling? Find a partner who will talk to anyone and everyone. Do you hate running the numbers? Find a partner with an accounting background. It can be tough to find the right partner, but once you do, the results can be incredible.
Find A Direct Seller
Buying properties that aren’t listed by a real estate agent can often save you some serious cash. If the seller isn’t dealing with agent commissions and other listing costs, they will be more willing to work with you on the price. You can also choose to work with a professional home seller such as Nexus Houses. We invest in Knoxville real estate and pass savings on to our buyers. We can help you start or add to your portfolio in Knoxville or the surrounding areas!
Start Small
You don’t have to make a four bedroom house or a large apartment building your first real estate investment. Instead, opt to start with a plot of land or a mobile home. Learn all you can about the particular niche, and sell for profit. Reinvest your profits into something a bit bigger. Keep doing this until you build a solid portfolio you can be proud of. Everyone has to start somewhere. Don’t become overwhelmed by real estate investment before you even start.
Alternative Ways To Invest
REIT’s and crowdfunding offer investors alternative ways to invest in real estate. Using these methods, investors pool their funds to invest in something much larger. Something they wouldn’t have been able to purchase on their own. This is typically things like apartment buildings, retail centers or office buildings. Profits are proportionately distributed to investors at scheduled times. This can be a great way to invest in real estate while being “hands-off.”